Why English is Important In Our Life ?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

English has been recognized as an international language. That is, people who come from diverse geographic backgrounds, religions and cultures have had an agreed media to communicate with each other. namely English. 


Why English important to our life ? some reason about it

Accelerate your career advancement
Most international business is conducted in English. If you want managerial positions in multinational companies, most likely you will be required to speak English. A number of prestigious companies even now set minimum IELTS or TOEFL for potential job applicants. World of technology, aviation, tourism and diplomatic depend closely to the English Language. You can be a translator of English, and so on.

Ask the road in 75 countries
English is the official language or at least have a special status in 75 countries and is used in over 100 countries. English is the international language for business, sports, academic, science, technology, advertising and diplomatic. You do not need to use the services of the English language translator for your own master.
Open the window wider world
Many foreign-language books are translated only into English. If you can read English, you will have the option of reading a much more diverse, as it is with the film. Now the role of the greater English translator as well.

Conquer the internet
You might think that many sites are translated into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. Whereas the other 20% is not all dominated by the Indonesian language, but also non-English languages, like Chinese, Japanese, French and so on. So imagine just how many percent of all information presented on the internet in the Indonesian language. You do not need a tool / English dictionary translator.

Being a scientist
The researchers and scientists around the world communicate with each other in English. Scientific conference held in English and the research results are also published in English. More than two-thirds of scientists around the world to read in English.

Pursue opportunities abroad
There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteers around the world, but almost exclusively only offered to those who speak English. A world full of opportunity opened when you speak English.
So. Lets we say English is important for me and our life. Thank You

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